
Extra information about EPA Complaints, Lab testing, Grinding/Polishing, Cutting/Coring, Drywall/Painting, Masonry, ConcreteFinishers, Process, Training, and Distribution.

Lab Testing

Gelmaxx will provide at no cost, slurry waste water testing. Our goal is to help you solve your problem.

Send us a sample of your slurry waste water, and a lab technician will return a qualified report along with a dry solids report. Gelmaxx will recommend the best treatment for your needs at no obligation.

If you are interested in a free slurry waste water test, please email

Grinding & Polishing

The polishing and grinding industry has been growing rapidly over the past 10 years. The industry has created tooling to help reduce the need for water when polishing because waste water is a challenge to dispose of it safely. Slurry water created during wet polishing is highly regulated and has substantial fines if slurry is not disposed properly. Water collected by shop vacs or an autoscrubber can be contained and separated for reuse while creating a safe material that is compliant with state laws for proper disposal. As the EPA begins to enforce the air pollution regulations the dry grinding process will be under much scrutiny. This may even eliminate the dry grinding option all together leaving the industry with slurry waste water to deal with, again.

Cutting and Coring

Cutting and coring concrete contractors are faced with the biggest challenge in the industry because the main component to their work is using water. This process creates a tremendous amount to waste water and makes it very difficult to deal with on any jobsite. GelMaxx can separate the water and create a clean reusable source that can be used again by the saws and coring machines while leaving a material compliant for disposal. The hassle of hauling back drums of slurry water back to the facility for processing can be greatly reduce and managed with lower labor and overhead cost.


Masons have built structures dating back as far as the Pyramids but not until recent years have the rules for waste water disposal changed. Masonry work creates a wide range of waste materials that make it difficult to comply with EPA regulations. One item difficult to dispose of is grout and slurry water. The GelMaxx system can separate the water and create a material that is compliant for disposal and process the remains into a complaint material that meets the EPA rules.

Concrete Finishers

Concrete contractors work with many different types of concrete materials and are faced with the challenge of how to dispose of it legally. From residential to commercial, concrete waste can take up a lot of resources and create a costly expense for removal and its disposal. GelMaxx offers a solution to concrete and slurry waste removal for any jobsite.

Drywall & Painting

The drywall and painting industry has been growing rapidly over the past 30 years. The industry has been challenged to help reduce the contaminants going down our city drains and into our soil. Waste water can be challenging to dispose of safely. Slurry water created during the cleaning process of drywall or painting tools and equipment is highly regulated and has substantial fines if not disposed properly.

As the EPA begins to enforce ground water pollution, regulations will be under much scrutiny. The only option available until now has been costly drywall or paint washout bins rented out to the job site for cleaning tools and equipment.

Now with Gelmaxx ECO-QUICKgel, you can clean up your tools quickly and effectively without the worry of contaminants going into our drains or into the soil. The ECO-QUICKgel solidifies the wastewater and allows you to simply dispose of the solid into any trash receptacle. Once solidified, the wastewater is fully biodegradable, eco-friendly and compliant with EPA regulations. This will eliminate the need for you to rent or purchase the drywall or paint tool wash out services, while keeping time and extra overhead to a minimum, and allowing you to cleaning your own tools and equipment effectively while eliminating waste water completely.


The GelMaxx process is very unique to its kind. The process for using the GelMaxx products varies depending on the technique that will be used in each trade. Please contact us for specific information on how to properly use the GelMaxx products in your construction setting.


We have training facilities where you can learn how to properly use the GelMaxx products. With this knowledge you will know which GelMaxx technique to use in various settings. Please contact us for more information regarding our GelMaxx training.

If you are interested in becoming a training facility or interested in becoming a GelMaxx distributor please emails us here -

EPA Compliant

EPA stands for the United States Environmental Protection Agency. They set up regulations to protect human health and the environment. By violating one of their laws, you can face up to $10,000 in fines. Gelmaxx is proud to say that we are EPA compliant and abide by their standards.

We abide by these tests: Paint Filter 9095B      TCLP      Turbidity      TSS

If you would like to learn more about the EPA, visit their website at 

Paint Filter 9095B Test

The test states that “If any portion of the material passes through and drops from the [paint] filter within the 5-min test period, the material is deemed to contain free liquids.” If there are no free liquids, it is safe to dispose of in the landfill.

ECO-QUICKgel turns waste water into a solid material that that passes this test according to the Code of Federal Regulations citation for proper landfill disposal at

If you would like to learn more about the Paint Filter 9095B test, please visit the EPA website


TCLP means Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure

This is a sample method for chemical analysis used to simulate leaching in a landfill. In other words, the TCLP determines whether the liquid that excretes from the solids will carry any environmentally harmful substances.

Gelmaxx products pass the TCLP. If you would like to learn more about the TCLP, please visit the EPA website



Turbidity refers to the how clear the water is when suspended solids are present. After the heavy material falls to the bottom, the extremely small particles tend to fall slowly or not at all.

However, the chemical formula of AQUAmaxx ensures that the small particles fall to the bottom quickly, making the water clear and ready to reuse.

If you would like to learn more about turbidity, please visit the EPA website


TSS means Total Suspended Solids

After separating the water from the suspended solids, the remaining material can be dried into a solid. This water separation can be performed with a filter or AQUAmaxx.

If you would like to learn more about TSS, please visit the EPA website